Silly Saturday – Garden Guide

No need to do any gardening, just call it your woodland corner. How tall will grass grow if the cats and foxes don’t flatten it?

Answer: Grass will reach for the skies, the more obstacles, the taller it will grow.

42 thoughts on “Silly Saturday – Garden Guide

  1. We were at the Chelsea Flower Show on Thursday … and we didn’t see a single dandelion. At this rate, if you keep looking after them, you’ll be able to claim you have rare and endangered species at your gate! 😉

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    1. Dandelions are very underratted!

      They have many medicinal properties, which I only discovered when I found a lady harvesting them in Italy. She was making the flowers into a syrup drink which is good for the throat, apparently. Then I looked into it and found that among other tthings, they’re anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, diuretic, good for digestion and under investigation for anti-cancer properties!

      We’re in Latvia at the moment, where there’s no danger of dandelions becoming endangered. They are everywhere! Golden fields of them and they look absolutely beautiful – so they are good for the soul, too!

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      1. Hello Jaqueline, I hope we get to see pictures of The Four running through fields of dandelions! Dandelion milk was supposed to be applied to warts when I was a child, though it didn’t make mine go away. I would love to have the courage to actually try doing all those things. I think I would need more than I have in my garden.

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      2. Ha ha – I did try to film The Fab Four running through dandelions. Mark released them, I called them, and they all ran to a footpath around the dandelions and dutifully came to me!

        I follow a lovely blog called The Nerdy Farm Wife which lists recipes for things to do with flowers – soaps, lotions, drinks etc. You might need more than a garden’s worth of dandelions to do some of the things, but I’m sure a lawn’s worth might be enough to make a nice soap or something.

        I used to spend ages trying to dig dandelions out of my lawn with a special took and used to lament that they were not a cash crop. If only I’d known 🙂

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  2. I love your approach to garden and your flowers are lovely! We had a whole no mowed lawn upon our return from holiday – six weeks of growth and at some stages so high we couldn’t see the smaller bushes! Definitely not Chelsea Flower show quality!😀 Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday – although the weather as usual not up to much! Our local garden centre is offering a tray of free wild flowers and off to pick one up tomorrow!

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  3. What a lovely garden show, Janet! We renovated the clay hilly backyard into a larger patio with several tiers of gardening area. The engineering of retaining walls in Oregon is so different than California. The landscaping folks use the blocks with the three sides but open in the back and hollow in the middle. In California, they put rebars in the middle and pour concrete in to hold the blocks of the walls in place. But in Oregon, they put river rocks behind the walls and use cement glue in between rows. In the process of doing it, lots of river rocks are mixed with the soil in my planting area. Right now, I’m digging up the river rocks, mixing the clayed soils with sand, bark chips, and good soil but better drainage. When the clay gets soggy, it drowns my plants. I spent hours clearing up and prepping the soil a couple of feet at a time. It’s a slow process but needs to be done in the long run. I hope to have some colorful flowers in the summer.

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  4. Oh what beautiful flowers!!! I love them all! We only planted ours a little over a week ago. Within the first 24 hours, the squirrels had dug up many of the sunflower seeds and eaten them, so we planted more and now sprinkle hot pepper flakes on them daily to keep the squirrels away! Ingrateful squirrels … we feed them peanuts on the back patio every morning, but still they try to rob us of our summer beauty! Funny story … this morning, my granddaughter saw a little neighbor boy cracking a raw egg over the birdseed we put out daily for the birds! When Natasha asked him what he was doing and why, he replied he was trying to protect the bird seed, for he had seen the squirrels eating it! We keep trying to help nature out, but I wonder if we’re really being helpful or not! 🤣

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