Tuesday Tiny Tale – Not Again

Isn’t it always the way, you don’t remember you were reincarnated until you die again. Each time I have been caught out. Assuring myself and others that there is NOTHING beyond, once you’re dead you’re dead. Telling everyone that ghosts do not exist, whatever Danny Robins seeks out in ‘Uncanny’. Exclaiming confidently that there is no such thing as reincarnation, thank goodness; what are the chances of landing a worse life than you had? If you look at the world you will guess that ninety nine per cent of humans are not having a good life.

Now it all came back to me, every life I’ve lived before. Once again I was in the debriefing room, waiting for the uncomfortable probing into how I had handled my latest life. All around me were strangers, busier than usual, all the people who had been killed alongside me. That was the only memory that was hazy.

No familiar faces this time. When I say faces I mean we were still wearing our earthly appearance, to be replaced soon with just our inner selves. Well, it had been a good life, shorter than I expected, but I had fitted a lot in. Most of the others were new souls, stands to reason when you think of the population explosion. I had to chuckle, that chap in total denial calling for the doctor, probably thinks he’s hallucinating in intensive care.

In terms of human history I’m quite new myself. My first life came to an abrupt end fighting for Henry V. But I haven’t always been English, turned up in all parts of the world. Pity I never remembered all the languages I have spoken.

 It was all coming back to me now, no wonder it was so busy here…

That’s me, they always use your most recent name.

No I couldn’t really, but I hadn’t been that bad had I?

25 thoughts on “Tuesday Tiny Tale – Not Again

  1. LOVED this one…partly because I’m currently reading (aka listening to) Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Years of Rice and Salt. And partly because it’s fun to imagine accounting for one’s own ignorant behavior in the previous life when languishing in the bardo.

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  2. I wouldn’t mind a couple of do-overs, especially with things I think I could do better on if given another opportunity.

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  3. Thank you, this was fun — reincarnation is a good spark for fiction. There’s a story on my blog called ‘Every morning, every evening’ that you might enjoy. Another take on the past lives idea…

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  4. I enjoyed this one. I have always found reincarnation puzzling because there are more of us all the time but i suppose if new souls can be created it works. I wouldn’t mind coming back if I could choose who to be but Gaza might not give him much chance to learn!

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