Tuesday Tiny Tale – Canvassing

I was pottering in the front garden on Sunday, or rather digging, tugging, planting, weeding, sweating… but it was nice to be out in the sunshine chatting, with all the neighbours also out. I should say the neighbours were going out, coming back, going out again while I went nowhere. But there was still time to chat on matters of importance; which bin is going out this evening, shall I paint your side of the fence? There was a bit of drama when next door sent a text to ask me to go round and check on her daughter who wasn’t answering her phone.

The day was further enlivened when strangers started appearing and some of them were strange. A weird chap had leaflets in his hands.

 Among the bees and blooms I had forgotten we were having a general election, that we were all doomed whoever was in power.

A couple turned up.

Along the road there next appeared a strange sight, a flowing green and rainbow cloak, a tall person being led by a guide dog. I couldn’t tell whether he needed the dog because he was blind, or because he had a bucket on his head. It was a bit difficult to hear what he was saying, but the dog seemed to understand.

I started reading with growing interest.

Our pot holed pavements to be made safe with cushionfall laid on all footpaths.

Homes left vacant for more than two weeks to be requisitioned by the local council.

All bonuses to be rescinded and put in a new contingency fund.

I browsed further, there was a lot to read.

18 thoughts on “Tuesday Tiny Tale – Canvassing

  1. I live in the Tory heartland of East Anglia, (only 1 Labour MP in the whole of Norfolk) but our sitting MP and former minister is the one who said he couldn’t live on a ministerial salary of almost £160,00 a year. So no surprise, he is not standing for re-election. Also no surprise, no Tories are door-knocking for votes this year.

    Best wishes, Pete.

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      1. Apparently the Lib-Dems came round. We were out at the supermarket, but our neighbours told us they had been door-knocking. Central Norfolk has been Tory for so long, nobody alive can remember when it wasn’t. They still seem to think they can retain the seat, so haven’t bothered to go door to door.

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  2. I tend not to comment about politics on social media but this I couldn’t resist.
    Bucket head, King Arthur and our local pot hole man couldn’t do any worse. Perhaps we should start up our own SOH (sense of humour) party. We couldn’t do any worse and it might actually be the saving of the country – it’s daft enough to work. 😀

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