Silly Sunday – Spamalot

When I was a child, spam was a food product that I did not like, a moulded block of pink meat extricated from a tin with a key and a good chance of lacerating fingers. Our relationship with digital SPAM is probably very similar.

A folder was, for many centuries, a sturdy cardboard stationery item for keeping collecting endless sheets of paper and it still is Chez Tidalscribe.

Put together meat and cardboard and you have a Spam Folder. In my first forays into life on line I wondered what it was and why people were told to check them. It was a long time before I even knew we had spam folders on WordPress. Reading spam comments usually explains why WordPress has blocked them from arriving at our precious blogs, though sometimes the intelligent and welcome comments of real bloggers wash up there.

Who are the strange beings that send these weird comments and why. AI creations that have escaped? But what if they are real human beings reaching out to engage with us? Should we respond? What would we say. Here are some I replied to…

 A lot of people will sympathise with your shopping experience, I’m so glad my blog prevented boredom instead of causing it.

Thanks indeed, I expect all my followers to read my blogs every day, however fantastic their holiday.

 Yes my blog is so good it can even make boyfriends disappear.

Yes reading my website makes most readers fall asleep.

 I hope you were inspired to avoid alcohol on holiday.

 My blog is especially useful for passengers who have long delays at airports.

Thanks, I have endeavoured to fill my blogs with monuments from all round the world.

I am impressed that you start your school day in the perfect way.

32 thoughts on “Silly Sunday – Spamalot

  1. I’ve had all of those, or variants. I also seem to attract a lot of people who read my blog while out fishing with a plethora of friends and relatives. It’s good to know we enrich their lives, isn’t it 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t know I had a spam folder so I went to find it. & ‘people’ wanted to help me get rich quick! Wasn’t that nice of them? Unfortunately they all wanted me to invest more time or money than I have available! All now deleted. Thank you for the tip off Janet.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I never remember to check my spam folder. There will be millions in there 😦 It always takes ages to empty. It’s very rare I find a genuine comment in there, but it has happened! One friend wondered why I never replied to her comments and thought me very rude, until she discovered they’d all been junked for some reason.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just checked my sapm folder. I had two legitimate comments from regular follows and this:

    Popular courses to study in Canada

    Computer science.
    Health sciences.
    Information technology.
    Animation and gaming courses in Canada.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I haven’t gotten much spam at all these days, but I can recall a time on WP when it was a daily ritual checking to see if legitimate comments were among the less than legitimate ones.🙂

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  6. I allocate an hour or so usually on a Sunday to go through the spam folder (and the legit comments.) 😀 The number of emails is usually about 50/50 and I do use the report and block button. Does it do any good? I sometimes wonder if it’s worth the effort, but I do enjoy reading your blog, Janet.
    I’m a bit confused with days as the dustmen turned up today when they weren’t due. I can understand them being late after bank holidays etc but never early, which explains why I’m responding and it’s not even Sunday! Does that count as spam or losing the plot?

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